Zoot Awards $4,000 in Local Scholarships 2019

Zoot strongly believes in supporting public education and has created scholarships to reward high performing students in Georgetown.
Opened in 2008, Zoot is founded by two high school friends: Jim Root and Dr. Wayne Zeh. The duo fused their unique work life experiences and their passion for business and veterinary medicine to form the backbone of Zoot Pets. Jim, Wayne and fellow owner Dr. Jensen Young all strongly believe in supporting public education and hence have created these scholarships to reward high performing students in Georgetown, particularly those interested in pursuing a post-secondary education in either business or veterinary medicine. Their parents were their biggest supporters during their formative high school years and thus they have named two $2,000 scholarships, one for business and one for veterinary medicine, in honor of them.
The winner of the 2019 David & Janith Zeh Zoot Pet Hospital Scholarship for Veterinary Medicine:
Tristen Rudledge
Tristen was a member of the National Honor Society for four years and on the Patriot varsity golf team. She has been active in FFA and the Vet Science team throughout her high school career and will attend Texas A&M and major in Animal Science. Tristen's focused academic preparation, along with her higher-level ability to relate to those around her, will serve her well in the future and make her a deserving recipient of this scholarship.
The winner of the 2019 Sally & James Root, Sr. Zoot Pet Hospital Scholarship for Business Studies:
Katherine Massey
Katherine was Head Drum Major in the Eagle marching band in addition to Student Council Treasurer. Her memberships included Junior Leadership Georgetown & the National Honor Society. Katherine will attend the University of North Texas in the fall and plans to major in Digital Retailing. Her passion for business and extensive work history in high school, along with her demonstrated leadership qualities, make her a perfect fit for this award.