Meet Our Good Samaritan Patient, Bumper!

My name is Bumper, the significance of which will become apparent shortly.
I'm an 18 pound, 8-12 month old male Catahoula/Terrier cross that made the mistake of trying to cross Highway 29 in Georgetown during morning rush hour on July 18th. By the grace of God, a dog lover was behind the car that hit me (lucky for me as that driver kept going). She is a patron at Zoot Pet Hospital and Luxury Boarding so that is where I ended up.
I don't recall much of those first few days. I was in shock, bleeding internally and had multiple fractures and external injuries. No one knew who I was as I did not have a collar or a microchip. There were many concerned faces around me the first 48-72 hours. It was a miracle I survived the first night. I was on heavy doses of pain medication along with fluids and antibiotics. With all the good care, I felt a little better each day. Sadly, an owner never came to claim me.
As of July 26th, I have made it out a week from my injuries and do enjoy all the attention I get from my caretakers. I'm eating, drinking and eliminating well, but I'm not able to walk on my own. My pelvis is broken in such a way that it needs surgical repair that only a board-certified surgeon can do. My bill at Zoot Pet Hospital and Luxury Boarding is all taken care of, but I can't have surgery at the specialty clinic until it's clear people want to contribute to my care. The specialty surgeon has agreed to a discounted price and the sooner I can get it done, the better! The longer I go with the bones out of place, the more likely there is nerve damage and muscle atrophy that will make recovery even more difficult. I have a pretty good chance of mobility and a good life with the surgery, but the recovery will be 8-12 weeks of restricted activity and physical therapy. The staff at Zoot Pet Hospital and Luxury Boarding as well as a few well-wishers have stepped up for that last part.
My surgery is tentatively scheduled for Saturday July 29th. All-inclusive and without complications, it should cost about $2500. If you think I'm a worthy cause, please make a donation. Every little bit will help. I'm really looking forward to feeling better!
Anything above the $2500 will be placed in the Zoot Pet Hospital and Luxury Boarding St. Francis Fund, which is used for other Good Samaritan cases, like myself.